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Чертанов М.: Хемингуэй.
Краткая библиография


1. Книги Э. Хемингуэя.

Хемингуэй Э. Собр. соч. Т. 1–4. М., 1982.

Хемингуэй Э. Рассказы; Прощай, оружие!; Пятая колонна; Старик и море. М., 1972.

Хемингуэй Э. За рекой в тени деревьев; Иметь и не иметь; Райский сад: Романы. М., 2000.

Хемингуэй Э. По ком звонит колокол. М., 2005.

Хемингуэй Э. Лев мисс Мэри. М., 2009.

Хемингуэй Э. Оставаться самим собой. Избранные письма (1918–1961). М., 1983.

Хемингуэй Э. Репортажи. М., 1969.

Хемингуэй Э. Старый газетчик пишет… М., 1983.

The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: The Finca Vigia Edition. N. Y., 1987.

Hemingway E. For Whom the Bell Tolls. N. Y., 1940.

Hemingway E. Across the River and Into the Trees. N. Y., 1950.

Hemingway E. A Moveable Feast. N. Y., 1964.

Hemingway E. Islands in the Stream. N. Y, 1970.

Hemingway E. The Nick Adams Stories. N. Y., 1972.

Hemingway E. The Dangerous Summer. N. Y., 1985.

Hemingway E. The Garden of Eden. N. Y., 1986.

Hemingway E. True At First Light. N. Y., 1999.

Hemingway E. Under Kilimanjaro. Ohio, 2005.

–1961. Ed. C. Baker. N. Y., 1981.

2. Книги о Э. Хемингуэе и его творчестве.

Грибанов Б. Хемингуэй. М., 1970.

Кашкин И. Эрнест Хемингуэй. М., 1966.

Орлова Р. Хемингуэй в России. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1985.

Папоров Ю. Хемингуэй на Кубе. М., 1979.

Петрушкин А., Агранович С. Неизвестный Хемингуэй: Фольклорно-мифологическая и культурная основа творчества. Самара, 1997.

Фуэнтес Н. Хемингуэй на Кубе. М., 1988.

Черкасский М. Сила и слабость Хемингуэя. М., 1969.

Baker С. Hemingway, The man and his work. N. Y., 1950.

Baker C. Hemingway. The writer as artist. N. Y., 1952.

Baker C. Hemingway: A Life Story. N. Y., 1969.

Braden S. Diplomats and Demagogues. N. Y., 1971.

Brasch J. Hemingway’s Doctor: Jose Luis Herrera Sotolongo Remembers Ernest Hemingway//Journal of Modern Literature. \bl. 13. No. 2. 1986. Brennen C. Hemingway’s Cats. Sarasota, 2006.

Brian D. The True Gen: An Intimate Portrait of Hemingway by Those Who Knew Him. N. Y., 1987.

Bruccoli, M. Scott and Ernest: The Authority of Failure and the Authority of Success. N. Y., 1978.

Bruccoli, M. Fitzgerald and Hemingway: A Dangerous Friendship. N. Y., 1994. Burgess A. Ernest Hemingway and His World. N. Y., 1978.

Burrill W Hemingway: The Toronto Years. Toronto, 1994.

Burwell R. M. Hemingway: The Postwar Years and the Posthumous Novels. N. Y.,1996.

By-Line: Ernest Hemingway, ed. by White W. N. Y., 1967.

Callaghan M. That Summer in Paris. N. Y., 1963.

Cowley M. A Portrait of Mister Papa //Life Magazine. 1948.

Dear Papa, Dear Hotch: The Correspondence of Ernest Hemingway and A. E. Hotchner, ed. by DeFazio A. N. Y., 2005.

Delbanco N. The Lost Suitcase. N. Y., 2001.

Donaldson S. Hemingway vs. Fitzgerald. The Rise and Fall of a Literary Friendship. N. Y., 1999.

Donaldson S. By Force of Will: The Life and Art of Ernest Hemingway. N. Y., 1977.

Ernest Hemingway: Cub Reporter, ed. by M. Brucolli. Pittsburgh, 1970.

Ernest Hemingway, Dateline: Toronto, ed. by W. White. N. Y., 1985.

Fenton C. The Apprenticeship of Ernest Hemingway, The Early Years. N. Y., 1954.

Gellhom M. Travels With Myself and Another. London, 1978.

Griffin P. Along With Youth: Hemingway, the Early Years. N. Y., 1985.

Haynes E., Klehr H., Vassitiev A. Spies. The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America. Yale, 2009.

The Hemingway Reader, ed. by C. Poore. N. Y. 1953.

Hemingway G. Papa: A Personal Memoir. Boston, 1976.

Hemingway J. Misadventures of a Fly Fisherman: My Life With and Without Papa. Dallas, 1986.

Hemingway L. My brother, Ernest Hemingway. London, 1962.

Hemingway M. Ernie: Hemingway’s Sister «Sunny» Remembers. N. Y.,1975.

Hemingway M. How It Was. N. Y., 1976.

Hemingway V. Running With the Bulls: My Years With the Hemingways. N. Y., 2005.

Hotchner A. Papa Hemingway: A Personal Memoir. N. Y., 1966.

Hotchner A. Hemingway and His World. N. Y., 1989.

Kert B. The Hemingway Women: Those Who Loved Him — the Wives and Others. N. Y., 1983.

Koch S. The Breaking Point: Hemingway, Dos Passos, and the Murder of Jose Robles. London, 2006.

Lanham С. T. Papers, 1916–1978. http: //arks. Drinceton. edu/ark: /88435/c247ds!2v

The Letters of F. Scott Fitzgerald, ed. by Turnbull A. N. Y., 1963.

Loeb H. The Way it Was: A Memoir. N. Y., 1959.

Lynn К. Hemingway. N. Y., 1987.

Mellow J. Hemingway: A Life Without Consequences. N. Y., 1992.

Meyers J. Hemingway: A Biography. N. Y., 1985.

Moreira P. Hemingway on the China Front: His WWII Spy Mission with Martha Gellhom. Washington, 2006.

OliverC. Ernest Hemingway Ato Z. N. Y., 1999.

OliverC. Critical companion to Ernest Hemingway: a literary reference to his life and work. N. Y., 1999.

Plimpton G. Ernest Hemingway: The Art of Fiction XXI // Paris Review. 1958.

Prieto I. lntrigas de los rusos en Espaca у convulsiones de Espaca. Paris, 1939.

Raeburn J. Fame Became of Him: Hemingway as Public Writer. Bloomington, 1984.

Reynolds M. The Young Hemingway. Oxford, 1986.

Reynolds M. Hemingway, The Paris Years. Oxford, 1989.

Reynolds M. Hemingway, The 1930’s. N. Y., 1997.

Reynolds M. Hemingway, The Final Years. N. Y., 1999.

Ross L. Portrait of Hemingway, N. Y., 1961.

Sanford M. At the Hemingways. London, 1962.

—45. Ramsbury, 1990.

Villarreal R. Hemingway’s Cuban Son. Ohio, 2009.

Wilson E. The Wound and the Bow. Ohio, 1997.

Wilson E. The Twenties: From Notebooks and Diaries of the Period. N. Y., 1975.

Young P. Ernest Hemingway, N. Y., 1952.