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Шамина В.Б.: Американская драма XX века: основные тенденции развития
Женская драма. Примечания


1. Brown J. Feminist Drama. Definition and Critical Analysis / J. Brown - The Scarecrow Press INC. Methuen, New York @ London, 1979.

2. Natalie E. Feminist Theatre. A Study in Persuasion/ E. Natalie - The Scarecrow Press INC. Methuen, New York @ London, 1985.

3. Keissar H. Feminist Theatre / H. Keissar - Macmillan Publ. LTD, 1985.

4. Feminist Focus. Ed by Enoch Brater - New York, Oxford. Oxford Univ. Press, 1989.

5. Cohn R. New American Drama. 1960-1990/ R. Cohn - Macmillan Education LTD, 1991.

6. Lerner G. The Female Experience / G. Lerner - Indianapolis: Bobbs-Meril Company INC., 1977.

7. Hope D. A Rhetorical Definition of Movements / D. Hope - State Univ. Of New York at Buffalo, 1975.

8. . Bloom С American Drama / С Bloom - Macmillan Press LTD, 1995

9. Berkowitz G. M. American Drama of the Twentieth Century / G. M. Berkowitz - Longman Group UK Limited, 1992.

10. Bittman С Women and the Family in American Drama / С Bittman // The Arizona Quarterly -1980. - №36.

11. The Female Body in Western culture. Ed. by Susan Rubin Suleiman. - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Univ. Press, 1986.

12. Keyssar H. Feminist Theatre / H. Keyssar - Macmillan Publishers LTD, 1985.

13. The New Women's Theatre. Ten Plays by Contemporary American Women. Ed. by Honor Moore - Vintage Books, New York, 1977.

14. Women Heroes. Six Short Plays from Women's Project. Ed. by Julia Miles. - Ap plause Theatre Book Publishers, N. Y., 1988.

15. Shafer I. American Women playwrights? 1900-1950./ I. Shaffer - New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 1975.

16. Moon Marked and Touched by Sun. Plays by Afro-American Women. Ed. Sydne Mahome -Theatre Communication Group, 1994.

17. Patsalidis, S. Adrienne Kennedy's Heterotopias and the (Im)possibility of the (Black) Female Self / S. Patsalidis // Staging Difference - Peter Lang Publishing Inc. New York, 1995.

19. 9 Plays by Black Women. Ed. Margaret. B. Wilkerson. -A Mentor Books, 1986.

20. Childless, A. Wine in the Wilderness /A. Chidless // Plays by and about Women. Ed. Victoria Sallivan. -Vintage Books, New York, 1974.

21. Theatre of Black Americans. Ed. Erol Hill - Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. - Vol. 1.